
A buffered propionic acid (BPA) was added to broiler diets fed in floor pens with litter. The BPA was fed continuously at 0, .2, .4, and .8% in Trial 1 and at 0 and .4% in Trial 2. The BPA was also fed at .4% for the last 7 days in Trial 2. Natural salmonellae exposure versus periodic dosage with Salmonella typhimurium was compared in Trial 2.In Trial 1, the BPA supplement had no adverse effects on growth, feed utilization, or abdominal fat with a significant (P≤.05) increase in the female dressing value at .8% of buffered propionic acid. The total number of coliforms and of Escherichia coli in the duodenum were significantly reduced by .4% BPA; in the jejunum, by all levels used in the trials; and in the ileum, by .4% and .8% of buffered propionic acid. The intestinal pH was not influenced by the BPA addition.In Trial 2, the BPA at .4% fed continuously had no adverse effect on growth, feed utilization, the abdominal fat of females, or the dressing percentage of males while significantly reducing the abdominal fat for males and increasing the dressing percentage for females. Feeding .4% BPA for the last 7 days had no effect on any of these parameters. Periodic dosage with S. typhimurium had no effect on body weight, feed utilization, or abdominal fat and significantly increased the dressing percentage. There was a significant interaction between the Salmonella dosage and the time of feeding BPA on dressing percentage.In Trial 2, the BPA at .4% fed continuously or during the last 7 days of the trial produced a significant reduction in the number of salmonellae on postchill carcasses when the birds were periodically dosed with Salmonella. There was no significant effect from BPA on the number of salmonellae or of coliforms in the small intestine, but there was a significant reduction in the total number of organisms when .4% BPA was fed either continuously or during the last 7 days of the trial.

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