
The effect of 20 fungicides on theinfectivity of conidia of the entomopathogenicfungus, Erynia neoaphidis, were assessedin the laboratory. After projection on broadbean leaves, conidia were treated withfungicides applied at their recommended fieldrate. Afterwards, the infectivity of theseinocula was assessed using an aphid bioassay.Four fungicides, carbendazim, kresoxym-methyl, nuarimol and thiophanate-methyl reduced the infectivity of the conidia by less than 25% and can be considered harmless for this aphid pathogen. Propiconazole was a little more toxic, with 37% reduction. Other products reducedinfectivity by between 50% and 100%. These are, from the least to the most toxic:flutriafol, prochloraz, epoxyconazole,iprodione, hexaconazole, triadimenol,azoxystrobine, cyproconazole, cyprodynil,flusilazole and tridemorph. Chlorothalonil,fenpropimorph, spiroxamine and tebuconazoletotally inhibited infectivity of the fungi. Analysis of the results according to chemicalclass showed that the benzimidazoles were theleast toxic for E. neoaphidis and themorpholines the most toxic. Effects oftriazoles and strobilurines were variable, withreduction ranging from 37% to 100% fortriazoles and from 17% to 68% forstrobilurines.

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