
The paper is a follow-up to a previous paper where the authors described how users in a small transitional country perceive open government data. It gives an overview of the characteristics of the open data and the current state of a recently started implementation of an open data initiative in Croatia. Since the process involves a series of actions, the following questions need to be answered: what are the effects of an open data initiative and how could these effects be valued? As a starting point in answering these questions we provide an overview of current research initiatives on how to value effects of open government data. Approaches to open data research are usually classified into three broad groups: open data readiness assessments; open data implementation studies; and impact studies. We also bring an overview of the evaluation frameworks already in place in countries where open data initiatives are on the top of the political and social agenda. As a result, in this paper we propose actions in the areas of law and policy, as well as in the areas of organization and technology, which could benefit Croatia's economic growth and democratic empowerment, as suggested by open data advocates.

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