
The purpose of this studv was to investigate the iffectiveness of teat dipping alone in control of bovine mastitis. A sum of 20 hand-milking and 20 machinery-milking (total is 40) cows were used. The right side teats were dipped into a solution that contained or.e percent of actiıe chlorine (Preparation: ı ORBITABSR tahlet was dissolved in 200 ml of warm water, active chemical is sodium salt of dichloroisocyanurate) as the antiseptic principle and the l~ft side teats were reserlJedfor cordrols and not treated wtih any medicine. Teat dippings were performed twice rı day af ter morning and evening milking for a complete lactation period (Average 300 days.) To evaluate the iffectiveness of teat dipping application, monthly eMT' s and polimorph leucocyt counts were made for milk samples obtained from cows with 40 days intervals. The results showed that, teat dipping was actively iffective in the prevention of mastitis (P <.0 l) and the type of milking W(JJ not important (P> ,05) The Percentage of occurence of mastitis with clinical manifestations was very low in treatea quartdrs. As a conclu.rion the post milking tııat dipping appeared as an active and economical method in the prevention of bovine mastitis.

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