
This paper investigated how, in the route of achieving the development of Rwanda, government policies can be effective especially cultural based ones. Specifically, the paper ascertained the extent to which cultural based policies such as Gacaca courts, girinka munyarwanda and umuganda have contributed a lot in helping getting some socio-economic solutions that were not possible to get otherwise. The results showed that these policies have been successful and reached more than the expected results. Even if a country has to implement several policies; some coming from the experience of other countries but the target is to reach the targeted objectives. The findings have shown that the above mentioned policies have helped Rwandan government to get socio-economic solutions that it could not get if not. This study showed that the financial resources used in Gacaca courts are far from what should be used if genocide cases were tried in classical courts; taking experience of United nations court of Arusha (Tanzania). The genocide cases were time and resource saving and resources saved could be used in other development projects that can help the country to reduce poverty. This study showed also the contribution of Girinka munywarwanda in reducing poverty and promoting the development of the country. The study again investigated the contribution of monthly community services (Umuganda) in building the country. The paper suggests that Rwandan government can see how to design a lot of cultural based policies in order to promote the socio-economic development of the country. These policies are well understood by the local population as they are originated from the culture and to sensitize the local population is very easy; so the implementation becomes much easier. As these cultural based policies have cross-cutting issues with other government policies, they can contribute to overall success of these government policies.

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