
In order to probe the structural and functional properties of a central region of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), we engineered mutants of the mature form of the protein and expressed them using the baculovirus/insect cell expression system. The mutations which targeted the region of apoA-I between amino acids 140 and 150 included: (i) deletion of the region 140-150 (apoA-I(Delta140-150)); (ii) substitution of arginine 149 with valine (apoA-I(R149V)); (iii) substitution of proline 143 with alanine (apoA-I(P143A)); (iv) deletion of region 63-73 (apoA-I(Delta63-73)), which has structural properties similar to 140-150; and (v) a chimeric protein substituting amino acids 140-150 with amino acids 63-73 (apoA-I(140-150 --> 63-73)). The efficiencies of synthesis were vastly different for the various mutants as follows: apoA-I(R149V) > apoA-I(140-150 --> 63-73) > apoA-I(Delta63-73) > apoA-I(P143A) > apoA-I > apoA-I(Delta140-150). About 50% of the synthesized wild type and all apoA-I mutants was retained in the cells. During expression of apoA-I(R149V) an unusual spontaneous recombination occurred. In addition to the expected mutant, another form of apoA-I with an apparent M(r) of 36K was produced which consisted of a duplication of the amino-terminal end of apoA-I, from the prepeptide through to amino acid 62, linked to the original pre-apoA-I(R149V) sequence via a 4-amino-acid linker. Despite the fact that this form of apoA-I carries two prepeptides and consequently two cleavage sites, there was little, if any, cleavage at the internal cleavage site. During expression, less than 20% of this mutant was retained in the cells. These results demonstrate that at least in the model of insect cells, the efficiency of apoA-I synthesis, processing, and secretion depends on apoA-I secondary structure and/or folding.

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