
The background is that anemia is a major problem in pregnancy women. According to Riskesdas 2019 there are 20.1 % of anemia in West Java. In Cimenyan Public Health Center area there are 37% pregnant women with anemia at 2022. The government has done efforts to reduce this condition by giving the iron tablets to pregnant women. Food supplementation that are rich of iron nutrition such as beetroot consumption can increase the hemoglobin. From the prelimary studies founded that 6 from 10 pregnant women never exprerience consuming beetroot and doesnt know the benefits of consuming beetroot. The aim of the study is to know the effectivity of consuming beetroot in increasing hemoglobin of pregnant women with anemia. The methode is quasy experiment with one group pretest and post-test design, with purposive sampling technique, with 34 subjects. This research use the standard procedure of processing and consuming beetroot. Respondent’s hemoglobin are measure with hemoglobinometer before and after beetroot comsumption. The statistic use bivariate analysis with Wilcoxon test. The result is that the hemoglobin median value from 34 subjects before consuming beetroot juice is 9.75 gr/dl, and after consuming beetroot juice is 10.7 gr/dl. From the statistic test is Sig value (0,000) that means the beetroot juice consumption effectivity increases hemoglobin level in pregnant women with anemia. The conclusion is that the consuming beetroot is effective in increasing pregnant women hemoglobin with anemia.

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