
Dynamical capture is a possible formation channel for BBH mergers leading to highly eccentric merger dynamics and to gravitational wave (GW) signals that are morphologically different from those of quasi-circular mergers. The future detection of these mergers by ground-based or space-based GW interferometers can provide invaluable insights on astrophysical black holes, but it requires precise predictions and dedicated waveform models for the analysis. We present a state-of-the-art effective-one-body (EOB) model for the multipolar merger-ringdown waveform from dynamical capture black-hole mergers with arbitrary mass-ratio and nonprecessing spins. The model relies on analytical descriptions of the radiation reaction and waveform along generic orbits that are obtained by incorporating generic Newtonian prefactors in the expressions used in the quasi-circular case. It provides a tool for generating waveforms for generic binary black hole coalescences and for GW data analysis. We demonstrate that the model reliably accounts for the rich phenomenology of dynamical captures, from direct plunge to successive close encounters up to merger. The parameter space is fully characterized in terms of the initial energy and angular momentum. Our model reproduces to few percent the scattering angle from ten equal-mass, nonspinning, hyperbolic encounter numerical-relativity (NR) simulations. The agreement can be further improved to the by incorporating 6PN-results in one of the EOB potentials and tuning currently unknown analytical parameters. Our results suggest that NR simulations of hyperbolic encounters (and dynamical captures) can be used to inform EOB waveform models for generic BBH mergers/encounters for present and future GW detectors.

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