
This study deals with the effectiveness of social inquiry learning model towards problem-solving skill especially in social studies for fourth-grade primary school in an elementary school in Bandung, West Java Indonesia. This study used a quantitative method with quasi-experimental design by one-shot case study design research. Data was collected by 12 fourth grade at a primary school in Bandung, West Java by a post-test. The topic of learning was about social problems in social studies. Next, the collected data were analyzed using t-test. This data processing used SPSS version 22 program. The final calculation with the t-test is obtained t- value = 12,696. It indicates that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. Therefore, H1 indicates that social inquiry learning model is effective towards social problem-solving skill. The social inquiry learning model does not only require students to actively master the cognitive aspects but also can develop some aspects of skills and attitudes such as developing a sense of responsibility and creativity in solving problems rationally.

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