
The research was conducted with the aim of seeing the effectiveness of using a virtual laboratory for general physics practicum at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan. To see the level of effectiveness of using a virtual laboratory, a descriptive method is used by applying a questionnaire approach (questionnaire). Virtual Laboratory makes it easier for students to do general physics practicum during online learning. Virtual laboratory media for general physics practicum is quite effective. This condition can be seen from the respondents' responses to the practicum videos and the effectiveness of using virtual laboratories used in general physics practicums. These results can be used as material for further studies and become a reference for improvement. So that the general virtual physics laboratory can be used in online and face-to-face learning (blended learning)


  • The research was conducted with the aim of seeing the effectiveness of using a virtual laboratory for general physics practicum at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Medan

  • To see the level of effectiveness of using a virtual laboratory, a descriptive method is used by applying a questionnaire approach

  • Virtual laboratory media for general physics practicum is quite effective. This condition can be seen from the respondents' responses to the practicum videos and the effectiveness of using virtual laboratories used in general physics practicums

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Disubmit: November 2021, Direvisi: Desember 2021, Diterima: 28 Desember 2021. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk melihat efektivitas penggunaan laboratorium virtual untuk praktikum fisika umum di Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Negeri Medan. Untuk melihat tingkat efektivitas penggunaan laboraotrium virtual digunakan metode deskriptif dengan menerapkan pendekatan kuesioner (angket). Laboratorium Virtual mempermudah mahasiswa untuk melakukan praktikum fisika umum selama pembelajaran online. Media laboratorium virtual untuk praktikum fisika umum cukup efektiv. Kondisi ini dapat dilihat dari tanggapan responden terhadap video praktikum dan efektivitas penggunaan laboratorium virtual yang digunakan pada praktikum fisika umum. Hasil ini dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan kajian selanjutnya dan menjadi rujukan untuk perbaikan. Sehingga laboratorium virtual fisika umum dapat dipergunakan pada pembelajaran online dan tatap muka (blended learning). Kata Kunci: Efektivitas, Praktikum, Online, Laboratorium Virtual, Fisika Umum

No Pertanyaan Angket Respon Mahasiswa Terhadap Video Praktikum
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Presentase Respon Mahasiswa
Meta Analisis Efektivitas Pembelajaran Fisika
Menggunakan Aplikasi Tracker Video Analysis
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