
Introduction: Nipah virus (NiV) encephalitis is an emerging infectious disease of public health importance in the WHO South-East Asia Region. Bangladesh and India have reported human cases of Nipah virus encephalitis. Indonesia, Thailand and Timor-Leste have identified antibodies against NiV in the bat population and the source of the virus has been isolated. The status of NiV infection in other SEAR countries is not known although flying bats are found throughout the region. The virus is named after the Malaysian village where it was first discovered and belongs to Henipavirus in the subfamily Paramyxovirinae. The major symptoms of the infection are fever, dizziness, headache and vomiting. Doctors say that the virus is capable of human to human transmission who are staying in close proximity. Materials and Methods: A pre experimental research design to find out effectiveness of video assisted teaching program regarding prevention and management of NIPAH virus infection among the school children. The study conducted on 100 samples. Data was collected using structured questionnaire, video was used as an instrument. Results: The data revealed that, Majority of the respondents 67% school children had inadequate knowledge, 21% of them had moderate knowledge and 12% of them had adequate knowledge in pretest. Whereas post-test data shows that 5 percentage of school children had inadequate knowledge, 41% of them had moderate knowledge and 54 % of them had adequate knowledge. This shows that the video assisted teaching programme was effective. The researcher compared the calculated t- value (12.98) with the critical value (1.984). Since the calculated value is lies beyond the critical value the researcher rejected the Null hypothesis and accepted the alternative hypothesis that is there is a significant change in the knowledge level of pre-test and post-test. So, this is evident that the administration of VAT was significantly effective. Conclusion: After the detailed analysis of the study findings showed that pre-test finding showed that, most of the children had inadequate knowledge. Regarding the knowledge, there is a huge increase in the knowledge of school children after the administration of video assisted teaching programme. Regarding the association of demographic variables, they didn’t show any type of association with their knowledge score

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