
An endoscopy is a procedure in which doctor uses specialized instruments to view and operate on the internal organs and vessels.People often found anxious towards hospital environment itself. There no intervention was provided to re-leave from anxiety among the patients. So the researchers aimed to assess the effectiveness of video assisted teaching regarding upper GI endoscopy to improve knowledge and thereby reduce the anxiety among the patients in Government General Hospital, Puducherry.The present study was adopted quantitative quasi experimental research design. The 50 samples were selected by purposive sampling technique with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Pre test data was collected by using self-administered structures questionariesand video assisted teaching programme regarding endoscopy to the samples. The video contains introduction, functions, procedure and visualization of the endoscopy.The researchers accompany each sample during the endoscopy. Post test data was collected after endoscopy with the same questionnaire.The results revealed that, pre and post test mean score of knowledge was 5.26±2.562 and 11.12±0.480. The calculated paired ‘t’ value is 16.421 which was statistically significant at the p level 0.000. The pre and post test mean score of anxiety was 39.64±9.021 and 68.14±3.995. The calculated paired ‘t’ test value was 18.475 which was statically significant at the p level 0.000. The test results infer that, the video assisted programme was effective in improving knowledge and relive in pre procedure anxiety among the clients undergoing endoscopy.The chi-square value reveals that the level of knowledge was significant to gender and educational status at the p level 0.005 respectively and the level of anxiety was significant to educational status at the p level 0.005. The researchers recommended all the therapeutic and diagnostic procedures must be educated among the patients will help to gain complete success.

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