
Malaria accounts for 70% of illnesses and 30% of deaths among children under 5 years in Nigeria. This study was aimed at determining the effectiveness of trained community volunteers in delivering multiple anti-malaria interventions to achieve rapid reduction in morbidity and mortality among under 5 children. A quasi-experimental study was carried out in two rural communities in Rivers State, Nigeria among 368 mothers/caregivers. A set of 184 of the mothers/caregivers (experimental group) were trained on malaria and provided with bed nets and drugs (artemisinin-lumefantrine) to treat children under 5 years who developed fever during the period of the experiment. Another set of 184 mothers/caregivers (controls) did not receive similar training and drugs. Both groups were compared at baseline and after 6 months of the experiment on their knowledge of malaria prevention and treatment. Level of significance was set at P = 0.05. In the experimental group: Adequate knowledge about malaria increased from 115 (62.5%) to 175 (95.1%) (P < 0.0001), early commencement of treatment of fever increased from 68 (37.0%) to 131 (75.7%) (P < 0.0001), and children cured of malaria increased from 87 (47.3%) to 146 (84.4%) (P < 0.0001). Insecticide-treated bed nets use also increased from 86 (46.7%) to 161 (87.5%) (P < 0.0001). There were no significant changes in the control group. The study demonstrated the inherent potentials in using community-based volunteers in malaria prevention and control for those in rural areas with poor health service delivery. We advocate its adaptation for far-reaching reduction in childhood morbidity and mortality and rapid attainment of millennium development goals 4.

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