
To assess the capabilities of the desulfurization system for coke-oven gas in coking-product recovery shop 2 at PAO Magnitogorskii Metallurgicheskii Kombinat (MMK), the effectiveness of all stages in sulfur recovery unit (SRU) at the shop is analyzed. It is found that the capacity for catalytic conversion of hydrogen sulfide to sulfur is not being fully utilized. Its use would raise the temperature of both stages in the SRU’s R-6201 Claus reactor. The optimum temperature of the second catalytic stage of the R-6201/2 unit and maximum conversion to sulfur cannot be achieved because of the insufficient heat-exchanger efficiency resulting from surface deposits of sulfur. Observations at waste-heat boiler 1 of the elemental-sulfur production department in the copper plant of Norilsk Nickel’s Transpolar Division show that sulfur condensation on the heatexchanger surface decreases the heat transfer in the waste-heat boiler by 20–40%. Modification of the heating system for the second stage of the R-6201 Claus reactor in coking-product recovery shop 2 at PAO MMK by introducing a regulated bypass line is proposed.

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