
This study aimed to clarify the relationships between isometric squat (IS) using a back dynamometer and 1 repetition maximum (1RM) squat for maximum force and muscle activities and to examine the effectiveness of a 1RM estimation method based on IS. The subjects were 15 young men with weight training experience (mean age 20.7 ± 0.8 years, mean height 171.3 ± 4.4 cm, mean weight 64.4 ± 8.4 kg). They performed the IS with various stance widths and squat depths. The measured data of exerted maximum force and the action potential of the agonist muscles were compared with the 1RM squat data. The exerted maximum force during IS was significantly larger in wide stance (140% shoulder width) than in narrow stance (5-cm width). The maximum force was significantly larger with decreased knee flexion. As for muscle activity, the % root mean square value of muscle electric potential of the rectus femoris and the vastus lateralis tended to be higher in wide stance. As for exerted maximum force, wide stance and parallel depth in IS showed a significant and high correlation (r = 0.73) with 1RM squat. Simple linear regression analysis revealed a significant estimated regression equation [Y = 0.992X + 30.3 (Y:1RM, X:IS)]. However, the standard error of an estimate value obtained by the regression equation was very large (11.19 kg). In conclusion, IS with wide stance and parallel depth may be useful for the estimation of 1RM squat. However, estimating a 1RM by IS using a back dynamometer may be difficult.

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