
We conducted a 6-year longitudinal behavioral and genetic investigation of a highly polygynous pinniped, the northern fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus), to determine the contribution of terrestrial polygyny to male fertilization success and to assess the occurrence of alternative mating strategies. Genetic samples from 37 adult males, 50 adult females, and 85 pups were collected and genotyped using five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Pup paternity was assigned using Cervus 2.0 at 99% confidence level. Paternity of 83 pups (98%) was assigned to terrestrial males who held territories or stayed temporarily in the study area during the breeding season when fertilization occurred. For 56 pups of which attendance records of their mothers were available, paternity of 45 pups (80%) was assigned to the associate males in whose territory their mothers stayed during the perioestrus period. In addition to defending breeding territories, territorial males have often been observed attempting to forcibly abduct adult females from adjacent territories (female stealing): We observed a total of 95 such cases, in which the stealers had significantly fewer females than the territorial males from whose territories they stole females. Our results indicate that terrestrial resource-defense polygyny is the major mating system in this species and that nonassociated paternity occurs mostly as a result of alternative mating strategies of less successful males. Male northern fur seals thus appear to adopt conditional alternative strategies that depend on their current social status to maximize their life-time reproductive success.

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