
This study aimed to describe the effectiveness of teaching materials based multicultural Indonesian to improve critical thinking skills of the fourth grade students from elementary schools in the district of Jepara. This type of research used in this research is the Research and Development (R & D). The research was conducted in the fourth grade 1 Tritis and fourth grade 1 Karangnongko as an experimental group and fourth grade 1 Daren and fourth grade 3 Nalumsari as the control group in the district of Jepara regency Nalumsari. Data collection techniques in this research was conducted through observation, interviews, and documentation. Indonesian teaching materials are developed based on the material-based multicultural Indonesian on the theme of 4 different jobs in the fourth grade of elementary school. Results showed that the Indonesian teaching materials based multicultural effectively used to enhance the critical thinking skills of the fourth grade students from elementary schools in the district of Jepara. The results of the t-test on the experimental and control groups, namely 8.994. The t-test results showed that t> t table is 8.994> 1.699, then as the basis for decision making can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that the application of teaching materials based multicultural Indonesian effective and fit for use in improving critical thinking skills of the fourth grade students from elementary schools in the district of Jepara.

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