
Laboratory trials were performed to evaluate the actionof spinosad and mineral oil on eggs of GrapholitafunebranaTreitschke, the key pest in plum orchards. Fruits of cultivars Angeleno, President and Stanley were used in thetrials. The first set of tests was carried out by introducing two mated females of G. funebranainto a cage together withfruits of a single cultivar. The second set of trials tested the three cultivars simultaneously. In all trials, one third of thefruits of each cultivar was treated with mineral oil, another third with spinosad and the final third was left untreated.Treatments were carried out before introducing mated females into the cages. The number of fruits with eggs, the numberof eggs laid on each fruit and the number of hatched eggs were recorded. The number of eggs per fruit recorded in all trialswas the same, indicating that plum moth females, after choosing the fruits for oviposition on the basis of the cultivar or theapplied product, tend to use all suitable fruits in the same way. Oviposition in terms of number of fruits was significantlylower in mineral oil and spinosad treatments in all trials, compared to the control. Differences between the two productswere found in trials carried out with Angeleno alone and with the three cultivars together. The percentage of egg hatchingon the fruits was always significantly lower with spinosad treatment compared to the mineral-oil treatment and the control.In the trials carried out using the three cultivars, the number of infested fruits was significantly higher for Angeleno and nodifferences in the hatching percentages were found among the cultivars. The ovicidal and antiovideponent activities ofcommercial products containing mineral oils orspinosad could represent an interesting tool to reduce G. funebranadamage, both in organic and conventional plum orchards.

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