
Formulating nutritionally balanced aquaculture feed is critical to ensuring that they meet the needs of aquatic animals. Fish is recognized as an essential component of a well-balanced diet as it provides healthy energy, high-quality proteins, vitamins (D, A, E and B12), essential metals (Se,Mn and Cu) and especially Omega-3, which play a vital role in human health from conception to all stages of human development, maturation and aging. The purpose of the research was to increase the effi ciency of growing Russian sturgeon by introducing high-protein feed concentrate Gorlinka into the diet partially or instead of sunfl ower cake. In order to conduct an experiment to study the eff ect of the feed concentrate Gorlinka, 4 groups of juvenile Russian sturgeon (one control and three experimental groups) of 50 animals in each were formed. The average live weight of juveniles at the beginning of the experiment was 100 g; the duration of the experiment was 175 days. In the compound feed for juvenile sturgeon of the experimental groups, the feed concentrate Gorlinka was introduced instead of sunfl ower presscake: the 1st experimental group – 50 %, the 2nd experimental group – 75 %. In the 3rd experimental group, sunfl ower presscake was completely replaced with Gorlinka feed concentrate. As a result of the research, the optimal dosage of replacing sunfl ower presscake with feed concentrate Gorlinka was established in the amount of 75 % (the 2nd experimental group) when growing Russian sturgeon, where the profi tability level was 31,69 %. The use of Gorlinka feed concentrate in aquafeed for Russian sturgeon helps to increase the economic effi ciency of its rearing by increasing productivity and reducing the cost of aquafeed. Thus, the level of profi tability in the experimental groups was higher by 2,47–6,67 abs.% compared to the control group that did not receive this concentrate.

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