
The priority tasks of agriculture are to reduce negative processes in the soil and implement measures to eliminate and prevent land degradation, to green agricultural production with biologization of agriculture. Further cost-effective and environmentally safe agricultural production requires optimizing the structure of the soil microflora, restoring the natural microbiological activity of the soil, and reducing the chemical load. Biologization of agriculture involves the competent use of the laws of nature, scientific achievements aimed at improving the soil, reducing the cost and improving the quality of agricultural products.Biologization of the tillage system consists in minimizing tillage. Minimization is the correct alternation of various methods and types of processing, reducing the number and depth of treatments, replacing deep treatments with small and surface treatments, replacing mechanical treatments between rows of row crops and fallows with pesticide ones, combining a number of technological operations and techniques in one process by using aggregates and combined tools. One of the types of minimal tillage is the No-Till system, which is an agricultural system where direct sowing is carried out in untreated soil. The system also assumes the preservation of stubble or crushed plant residues (mulch) on the soil surface.An increasing number of agricultural producers are turning to self-healing, resource-saving agriculture. Biologization of agriculture involves increasing the efficiency of assimilation of basic fertilizers due to leaf treatments with growth-stimulating drugs of various nature (microbiological, growth-regulating, based on macro- and microelements, etc.).The study is aimed at identifying the effectiveness of using non-traditional drugs on the yield and quality indicators of agricultural crops in conditions of no tillage. The paper presents the results of experiments, the most effective and cost-effective drugs that make it possible to increase the efficiency of using No-Till technology in the conditions of the CBER.

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