
Near peer learning is an educational practice in which children interact with their peers or friends attain educational objectives. In simpler terms children involved in this type of learning are seniors and juniors of the same school or college. Learners are more comfortable and relaxed, and ready to learn when teacher is their peer, whom they know and understand. At the same time, it develops communication skill, leadership skills and confidence of public dealings in the teacher peer. In recent days, near peer teaching and learning becoming popular as learning methodology in schools and colleges. It involves students exposed to similar circumstances, from same educational programme, but at different levels. Research question of the study is ‘Is Near Peer learning effective on improving knowledge and habit making regarding prevention of waterborne diseases among primary school children?’
 This study was carried out systematically to assess the effectiveness of structured Near Peer learning, where a senior student teaches regarding prevention of waterborne diseases to junior students. Here the subject selected for structured near peer learning is “prevention of waterborne diseases”. Elder children of age group 13-14 years taught their near peers of age group 9-10 years, regarding prevention of waterborne diseases with special attention on improving personal hygiene and hand hygiene. The researcher assessed the effectiveness of structured Near peer learning regarding prevention of water borne diseases, in increasing the knowledge and improving the habits related to Personal hygiene and Hand washing, among primary school children. An evaluative research approach with one group pre test post test design was adopted. In the study, 4 students of 13-14 years age group were selected and researcher taught them regarding prevention of waterborne diseases. 40 primary school children of age group 9-12 years, constituting both boys and girls were also selected through convenient sampling technique. Then one elder child taught 10 younger children regarding same. Pretest and post test done. The questionnaire used were, demographic proforma, knowledge questionnaire, and checklist. Mean pretest was 9.925 and mean post test knowledge was 15.6
 Mean pretest for practice was 33.5 and mean post test for practice was 42.07. Hand washing mean pretest practice score was 7.075 and post test was 10.095. There was significant association between pre test scores regarding knowledge and practice and education of child, occupation of father and age of child. P_value<0.005.

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