
The projection of the renewable energy target in 2025 is 23%. The high production cost makes it difficult to compete with fossil plants. The strategy chosen to reduce the risk is to eliminate minor overhauls in power plants to increase production. To prove its effectiveness, hydropower was chosen by using markov chain method. It took samples for 26 months and divided plant into 3 states based on the operating performance. The test was between implementation of overhauls on schedule and eliminating minor overhauls when the status was good. The results of data processing obtained that the best decision is not to do minor overhaul elimination because of the potential to reduce 29.77% good conditions, 30.69% improvement in moderate conditions. Comparison between the 2017-2019 data show there’s no production cost reduction even though potential production increase. Calculation can be implemented into a web form using the PHP on the Laravel Framework


  • difficult to compete with fossil plants

  • hydropower was chosen by using markov chain method

  • divided plant into 3 states based on the operating performance

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Perhitungan mengenai Biaya Pokok Penyediaan listrik dilakukan oleh Dodi Perdana Putra [5], Uliana Arta dan Juanda Astrani [6] penelitian mereka menjelaskan mengenai pentingnya perhitungan BPP listrik karena berhubungan dengan kebijakan penentuan tarif dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui efektifitas strategi yang dipilih adalah menggunakan metode markov chain. Hartono dan Mas’udin [8] digunakan untuk menghitung probabilitas pemeliharaan mesin menjelaskan bahwa perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode markov chain sangat cocok dipilih karena tidak tergantung lama proses dimasa lalu, tetapi perhitungan berdasar state sekarang. Format php dipilih karena php merupakan Bahasa pemrograman yang dapat dijalankan pada berbagai platform dan kompatibel terhadap hamper semua server yang digunakan saat ini, bebas diunduh dari situs resmi php dan berjalan efisien pada sisi server [9] Perhitungan dengan menggunakan metode markov

Kinerja Operasi dan Biaya Pokok Penyediaan
Analisis Markov Chain
Perhitungan Probabilitas
Laravel Framework
Analisis Tabel dan Grafik
Perhitungan Matrix Probabilitas Transisi Status
Perhitungan Markovian 2 Stages
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