
The purpose of the article is substantiation and research directs of increasing efficiency management the enterprises on indicators that attend by accepting decisions. It mean, that operational system on the enterprises to complete of integrative function – reproduction means and wares of establish quality accordingly regard established quantity and in corresponding terms. All operational system, which directed on the efficiency, considered on basis general methodic preconditions. Therefore, exactly of this methodic preconditions directed upon ensuring of flexibility, stability, self-organization, economic, managing on the enterprises in process accepting decisions leaders for achievement of their efficiency. The methodological basis of the research to lie down in comparison method – for determining indicators of the enterprises that pertain to accepting decisions; and also responsibility leader field; decomposition method – for substantiation of management and organization process; evaluation method – for research of managing activities level and their efficiency on the enterprises. The scientific novelty of received results is substantiation of what on efficiency of management the enterprises essential influence is the analysis of indicators that apply for accepting decisions. In addition, the scientific novelty is all-inclusive disclosure of effectiveness the enterprises by indicators, as a measure of the resulted and perfection of organizational processes and management the enterprises. Conclusion. It is management to determine success of the enterprises into internal and external markets, quality of structural changes and availability to adapt in condition of sharp competition. It mean, that businesspersons interested in use the main acquirements, provided by management – but in comparison with analytical researches, because this give possibility achieved up clearly building of organizing structure, decrease labor intensity of managerial works, to optimized up amount manager person, strengthen managerial influence, to concentrated up efforts of all workers into achievement of put entrepreneurs aims. Key words: efficiency, indicators, analysis, labor, evaluation.

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