
Background: Peripheral nerve injury is developed from the various etiological factors such as crushing,traction,longbone fracture ,cutting injury,entrapment neuropathies ,infection, inflammation and various degree of tumours.LIPUS and LLLT has a variety of biological impacts on tissues, including increasing bone fracture repair,accelerating soft-tissue regeneration, and suppressing inflammatory reactions.Purpose: The main purpose of this research is to determine the efficacy of LLLT and LIPUS in relation toneurotrophic factors in experimentally induced peripheral nerve damage .Materials and Methods: A systematic review was done to investigate the effectiveness of LLLT and LIPU inexperimental induced rat model. Articles are systematically searched in search engines PubMed,MEDLINE andGoogle Scholar database according to inclusion and exclusion criteria.Results: Out of the four review articles that are eligible, three support low intensity pulse ultrasound therapy’spotential to promote nerve regeneration, while one article supports low level laser therapy’s enhance nerveregeneration.Conclusion: The study conclude that LIPU has huge supporting evidence on nerve regeneration influencingthe neurotrophic factors and LLLT has least supporting evidence on influencing the neurotropic factors onexperimental induced rat model. Advance research need to carried out in vivo animal model to evaluate theeffectiveness of both the LLLT and LIPU in experimentally induced rat model at proven dosages.

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