
Weight 8.9%, Pb0.01) and volume (R Height 13.4%, Weight 6.7%, Pb0.01). In multiple regression the only significant predictor of total and trabecular FN cross-sectional bone area, related to bone strength in compression, was height accounting for 16% and 7.4% of the variation, respectively. Regarding FN section modulus, a measure of FN strength in bending, both in plane and out of plane measures were related to height at 19.7% and 16.3% of variation, respectively. Conclusions: These results show that in elderly postmenopausal women true three dimensional volumetric FN BMD is not related to body size. This is because although both FNmass and volume are body size dependent, this dependency is proportional and cancels out in the calculation of true BMD. However, FN bone strength in compression and vending is related to stature presumably because of the bone size dependency of these measurements.

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