
Lack of access to information has been cited as one of the reasons smallholder women okra farmers do not receive the financial benefits of their efforts. This study examined the impact of interactive television instruction in improving economic competence and income of women smallholder okra farmers. Women smallholder okra farmers were categorized into control and treatment groups made up of 270 participants each making it a total of 540 participants. Data were collected three times—at baseline, after the intervention and follow-up assessment after one farming season. The result showed a significant contributing role of interactive television instructions in improving business competence of the women participants. Even after controlling for differences in crop yield, farm size and expenses, the relationship between ITV and income level of women smallholder okra farmers achieved a statistical significance (p = 0.004). A further assessment of the result revealed that an addition of 20.4 mean scores in business competence between Times 1 and 2 led to the addition of $118 income. For Times 2 and 3, a 4.8 addition in business competence increased income by $56. Overall, the intervention led to a 77 % increase in income level of women smallholder okra farmers. This study has offered a practical approach on how to improve the business competence and income level of women smallholder okra farmers in developing economy economies.

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