
Malnutrition and other preventable disease among the young children are caused mainly due to poor care and inappropriate infant feeding practices, delaying and restricting breast feeds and giving other products before six months. Development of feeding problem occur due to poor position and attachment. An evaluative approach was undertaken to assess feeding problem among 50 young infants (0-2months) admitted in IMS & SUM Hospital, Bhubaneswar. The study design adopted was quasi experimental with one group pre-test and post-test design. The samples were selected by non probability convenience sampling. Pre-test and post test assessment was done by standard IMNCI guideline. The reliability was established 0.78 by using chronback's formula. Finding of the study shows that, comparison of pre test and post test assessment of't' value was 5.8 which were significant at p<0.05 level. It revealed that feeding problem among young infant were improved after administration IMNCI guideline. Keyword:Effectiveness, Feeding problem, young infant, IMNCI guideline Breast feeding influences the child's health positively and improves nutritional status. A data analysis from those developing countries showed that infants who were not breast feed had a six fold greater risk of dying from infectious diseases within first two months of life than those who were breast fed (UNICEF 2007). Six months of exclusive breast feeding and continued breast feeding in the first year of life could prevent 1.3 million child deaths worldwide. Malnutrition has been responsible, directly or indirectly for 60% of the 10.9 million deaths annually among children under five. Over two thirds of these deaths, which are often associated with inappropriate feeding practices, occur during the first year.(Cochrane collaboration 2005) National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences shows that children who are breast feed have a 20% of lower risk of dying between the age of 28 days and 1 year than children who were not breast fed. Every year over one million infants die and millions of others are impaired because they are not adequately breast feed. Every day between 3000 to 4000 infants die from diarrhoea and ARI because the ability to feed them adequately has been taken away from their mothers. Study suggest that maximal onset of breast feeding problems were noted in the first week after delivery. This is the period when mothers were more likely to fail to initiate breast feeding. The development of breast feeding problem occurs due to poor positioning of the baby. Findings reveals that breast problems like cracked nipple, mastitis and sore nipple were significantly associated with poor positioning and attachment which are essential for effective breast feeding. Coce etel 2011 reported that women those infants were incorrectly positioned were 1.94 times at risk to developing nipple trauma compared with women whose nipple were correctly positioned. 1.2 NEED FOR THE STUDY UNICEF 2008 reports that India has close to 25 million children born every year. Out of these 1.9 million are under five children, who die in a year. Among the deceased children, 1.4 million children die just within 1 year and roughly one million children dying with malnutrition and other preventable diseases caused mainly due to poor care and inappropriate infant feeding practices, delaying and restricting breast feeds and giving other products before six months are still common practices which increases the risk of infection, allergy, long term diseases and death

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