
The aim: To investigate the effectiveness of complex protocol treatment with the additional inclusion of a course of the sublingual form of hepatoprotector on the clinical manifestations of patients with chronic pancreatitis in combination with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Materials and methods: We studied 57 outpatients with chronic pancreatitis in the phase of stable or unstable remission in combination with diabetes mellitus in the phase of stable or unstable remission. Two groups were formed according to randomization principles to study the effectiveness of the proposed correction programs: 1stgroup (30 patients) took protocol treatment for one month, 2nd group (27 patients) – received protocol treatment with a course of hepatoprotector. Results: It was found the results of the impact of two treatment programs on some clinical symptoms and syndromes in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Positive dynamics of clinical symptoms/syndromes were found in both groups of patients, but the therapeutic effect in the 2nd group was more significant. Analysis of the dynamics of the Quality of Life parameters on the scales of a specialized gastroenterological questionnaire under the influence of two treatment programs found statistically significant (p<0.05) changes in the group with the inclusion of hepatoprotector for treatment for all parameters in contrast to the group of protocol treatment, where statistically significant changes on three scales (abdominal pain, gastric reflux, and dyspepsia). Conclusions: It is proved that the proposed inclusion in the protocol treatment of a combination of CP and DM2 course of sublingual a demethion in eledtoan increase in its effectiveness in the correction of abdominal pain - by 8.2%, dyspepsia - by 17.8%, constipation - by 7.4% , diarrhea - by 12.9%, astheno-neurotic - by 21.5%, allergic – by 15.9%, autonomic - by 20.1% (p<0.05). Found higher efficacy of treatment with the in clusion of a demethion in relation to that in the group of PL on the dynamics of the parameters of the scales of the GSRS questionnaire by a total of 13.7%, p <0.01: abdominal pain decreased by 22.6% vs. 16.7%, gastricreflux - by 34.7% against 16.9% (p <0.05), diarrhea - by 23.9% against 8.2% (p<0.001), constipation - by 20.6% against 5.9% (0.01), dyspepsia - by 32.4% against 17.9% (p <0.01), respectively. It proved the feasibility of using sublingual demethion in the complex rehabilitation treatment of patients with comorbidity of CP and diabetes mellitus in order to correct clinical symptoms..

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