
BACKGROUND: Diabetic peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) is one of the most common chronic complications of diabetes mellitus, mainly affects lower limbs in patients with diabetes. It may lead to distressing and expensive clinical sequelae like impairments in tactile sensitivity, vibration sense, lower limb proprioception, and kinesthesia. This lead to the increased risk of falls. Thus, taking into consideration, the debilitating effects of diabetic neuropathy, Functional strength training (ST) and Balance training is advocated for these individuals to prevent further deterioration AIM: The objective of this study was to study the effectiveness of functional ST and balance training on Postural stability and gait in patients with diabetic neuropathy. Methodology: This study was an experimental study and type of sampling was convenient sampling. The Sample size taken was 20 and the place of the study conducted was physiotherapy OPD. Results: The results were obtained using BBS, DGI and ABC scale on the basis of pre and post treatment data were collected. Statistical Analysis shows the positive effectiveness of Functional strength training and balance training on reducing the risk of falls in Diabetic peripheral neuropathy Conclusion: Functional strength training and Balance training can be included as a part of treatment for patients with Diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Keywords: Diabetic peripheral neuropathy, Functional strength training, Balance

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