
The aim of this research is to know the efficiency of hypofisa gland on spawning catfish. This research was conducted in March-July 2014, at Manggis I, RT / RW. 18/09 50, Kelurahan Dusun Besar, Gading Cempaka Subdistrict, Bengkului City. The design used was complete randomized design (RAL) with 2 treatments and 6 replications and to see the difference was done t test. The treatment consisted of P1 = Spawning dumbo catfish using hypofisa gland Goldfish, P2 = Spawning dumbo catfish using hypofisa gland Fish catfish dumbo. The use of different hypofisa glands has no significant effect on spawning time, hatchability, and the survival of dumbo catfish seeds in the hatchery of dumbo catfish. The use of one type of hypophysis gland with the most efficient recipient fish compared to the hypofisa gland is universal.


  • The aim of this research is to know the efficiency of hypofisa gland on spawning catfish

  • This research was conducted in March-July 2014, at Manggis I, RT / RW. 18/09 50, Kelurahan Dusun Besar, Gading Cempaka Subdistrict, Bengkului City

  • The treatment consisted of P1 = Spawning dumbo catfish using hypofisa gland Goldfish, P2 = Spawning dumbo catfish using hypofisa gland Fish catfish dumbo

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Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak

P1 : Pemijahan ikan lele dumbo dengan menggunakan kelenjar hypofisa ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio). - Induk jantan Ciri-ciri induk jantan ikan lele dumbo yang siap untuk dipijahkan adalah sebagai beriut : Warna kulit dada agak tua bila dibandingkan dengan induk betina, Alat kelamin tampak jelas meruncing, Gerakan lincah, tulang kepala agak pendek dan pipih, Perutnya lebih langsing, bila distriping secara manual dari perut ke arah ekor akan mengeluarkan sperma berwarna putih. Penyuntikan dilakukan pada jam 16.00 WIB, dengan dosisi 1 cc untuk ikan jantan dan 2 cc untuk ikan betina (recipient) dengan donor ikan mas (ciprinus carpio) Induk-induk ikan yang akan disuntik dengan menggunakan kelanjar hypofisa dari donor ikan lele dumbo sebanyak 1 – 2 dosis.

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