
Today’s pandemic changed the educational landscape in the Philippines. In Partido State University, covid-19 paved the way for new teaching approaches. The traditional face-to-face teaching suddenly shifted to online teaching. This study determined the emerging post covid teaching approaches, instructional strategies used by teachers, the challenges encountered by teachers and students, and the level of effectiveness of the teaching approaches. The study employed a descriptive research design and it used a survey questionnaire in google form to gather data from 52 teachers and 263 students in the seven campuses. The emerging post covid teaching approaches in Partido State University were the use of online learning approach indicated by 46 respondents, Teacher- Student Consultation by 38 respondents, and the “flipped classroom’’ by 34 respondents. To support the teaching approaches, teachers used instructional strategies. These were sharing learning resources to the students (48 respondents), use of flexible assessment policy (39 respondents), and asking the students more questions during synchronous classes (30 respondents). Despite the efforts to perfect the new teaching approaches, respondents were found to be constrained by some challenges. For both respondents, the common challenge encountered was the slow internet or unstable connection. Effectiveness of these emerging post-covid teaching approaches were measured through the presence of online sources, student engagement, technology, and presence of supplemental interventions. Among these, the use of technology to facilitate the teaching approaches was high among teachers with an average weighted mean of 3.39. On the other hand, for students, the post-covid teaching approaches was high in student engagement with 3.27 average weighted mean. With these findings, the study recommends the following 1.) ensure a more stable and stronger internet connection in the campus, 2.) train the students thoroughly in the new learning management system, and 3.) make online resources available.

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