
ABSTRACT In overhead throwing, core muscles play a role in transferring momentum from the trunk to the arm. Yet, studies evaluating various core exercise programs on core muscle function and ball-throwing velocity yield varying results. The objective of this systematic review was to synthesize the effects of these programs on ball-throwing velocity and trunk muscle function based on the focus of the training program. Searches were conducted using MEDLINE on November 24, 2020, and updated on April 27, 2022. Articles were included if the training was administered to overhead-throwing athletes, targeted the core musculature, and had at least 1 comparison group. Of a total of 875 articles retrieved, 11 were selected for analysis. The synthesis of evidence suggests that (a) commonly used spinal stabilization exercises may improve trunk muscle endurance and isometric strength, but not ball-throwing velocity; (b) advanced spinal stabilization exercises performed on a sling suspension system can improve ball-throwing velocity; and (c) trunk plyometrics using medicine balls can improve trunk rotational strength, power, and ball-throwing velocity. More challenging core exercises that incorporate unstable surfaces, higher resistance, and dynamic trunk movement seem necessary to promote improvement in ball-throwing velocity.

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