
The world health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF recommend initiation of breastfeeding within the first hour after birth.1 The deaths of 8,23,000 children and 20,000 mothers each year could be saved by promoting Universal breastfeeding, along with the economic savings of US $ 300 billion.2 The present study was undertaken with the aim to assess the effectiveness of breast crawl method on selected new-born and maternal outcomes at govt. hospital, Dehradun, Uttrakhand. A Quantitative Approach with a quasi-experimental design using non-probability convenient sampling was used. The results depict that at the p< 0.001l level, the breast crawl method had a significant favorable impact on Newborn Temperature at 1 hour, time of placental expulsion, episiotomy pain perception, and involution of uterine II PPD. There was a statistically significant difference in newborn and maternal outcomes between the experimental and control groups at the p<0.001level. The study concluded that Breast crawl was found to be an efficient approach for maintaining effective body temperature, shortening the duration of placental expulsion, reducing episiotomy pain perception, and assisting in early uterine involution.

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