
<p class="0keywords">The major technological leaps that have taken place over the last years, one of which is the creation and increasing use of ICT (Technology, Information and Communication), require a reconsideration of the capability of the computers to meet the expectations of modern education, especially in the field of Special Education. Researches confirm that new technologies offer liberating and amazing opportunities to people with disabilities, as these are not just limited to simple information management but can also operate supportively, improving the learning ability, the academic performance and functionality of the people that have special needs and those with special, educational needs. In this review there is a brief reference on some of the ICT assessment, diagnostic and intervention tools of the past decade, for children with attention and hyperactivity disorders (ADHD). It also refers to the direct connection and interaction between attention and memory capacity as well as, how, with the help of technology, we evaluate, improve memory, and thus attention. The deficit of ADHD in its executive functions and how these can be improved with the help of technology is also brought up in this review.<strong></strong></p>


  • Shaw et al [9] proved that a group of young teenagers with ADHD managed equal performance with the control group, at Conner's Continuous Performance Test 2, when it was presented as a video game, whereas, the equivalent performance at the traditional form of the test was inferior to the one of the control group [8]

  • The aim was to support children with ADHD with their attention deficiency and to develop their learning ability, getting aid from two physiological sensors; namely “The Leap Motion” - a hand movement recognition sensor and the “Tobii X1 Light Eye Tracker”. These wearable sensors are categorised into Natural User Interfaces (NUIs), which comprise Human-Computer interplay devices aiming at using skills that already exist, in order to provide reciprocal action with specific content

  • A lot of attention has been placed on the working memory (WM), the cognitive system responsible for behaviour amongst other functions, the level of which, if lower than average, can often be associated with ADHD

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Idiosyncrasy and Requirements of ADHD Students

Students with ADHD have always comprised a challenge for education systems, since their typical behaviour obstructs and restricts teaching in the traditional way. As stated by Loe and Feldman [6], children with ADHD are four to five times more likely to get involved with special educational programs and benefits than those of typical development. It is indicated that all ICT procedures described in their article, have proved to be important to every function concerning attention, self-regulation, motivation, working memory and speech acquisition. At this point, all experts agree that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) gives the opportunity to all people with disabilities and special educational needs to have equal chances at learning, improving their daily routine, increasing self-protection and independence

Assessment and Diagnostic Tools
Intervention Tools
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