
Fish skin is one of the alternative sources contained high protein to isolate collagen. Fish skin generally extracted by the method of acid, alkali and enzymes. The study aim to determine the effectiveness of NaOH<br />and acetic acid on catfish (Pangasius sp.) skin extraction process. The concentrations of alkaline pretreatment were 0,05; 0,1; 0,15 and 0,2 M with the soaking time of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 h by NaOH replacement in every 2 h. The concentrations of acetic acid for hydrolisis process were 0.05; 0.1; 0.15 and 0.2 M with the soaking time of 1, 2, and 3 h. The experimental design used for pretreatment process is split splot, while for the hydrolysis process is factorial completely randomized design. The results showed that pretreatment with a concentration of 0.05 M NaOH for 4 h has a significant effect for eliminating non-collagen protein (p<0.05). The acetic acid concentration of 0.15 M for 1 h also has a significant effect on fish skin swelling. The yield of striped catfish collagen was 17.272%, the protein content was 86%, and the viscosity was 12 cP. Fish skin extract was identified as type I collagen by functional groups and electrophoretic analysis. Collagen from striped catfish skin has α1 and α2 and protein structure with the molecular weight of α chain were 94 and 98 kDa, meanwhile the molecular wheight of β chain was 204 kD.


  • Fish skin is one of the alternative sources contained high protein to isolate collagen

  • Fish skin generally extracted by the method of acid, alkali and enzymes

  • The study aim to determine the effectiveness of NaOH and acetic acid on catfish (Pangasius sp.) skin extraction process

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Efektifitas alkali dan asam terhadap mutu kolagen dari kulit ikan patin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji efektifitas NaOH dan asam asetat dalam proses ekstraksi kolagen dari kulit ikan patin (Pangasius sp.). Perlakuan pada tahap ekstraksi adalah pemberian asam asetat 0,05; 0,10; 0,15 dan 0,20 M dengan waktu perendaman kulit ikan patin 1, 2, dan 3 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praperlakuan dengan NaOH konsentrasi 0,05 M selama 4 jam memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap konsentrasi protein terlarut (p

Preparasi dan analisis bahan baku
Praperlakuan kulit ikan patin
Hidrolisis dan ekstraksi kolagen
Analisis Data
Karakteristik Kimia Bahan Baku
Praperlakuan Kulit Ikan Patin
Tidak terdeteksi
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rendemen
Acid soluble collagen
Komposisi kimia
Gugus fungsi
Bilangan Gelombang
Berat molekul
Nilai pH
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