
This study was initiated to investigate the effectiveness of a solids basin and vegetative treatment area (VTA) fornutrient control as a low-cost alternative to runoff holding ponds for cattle feedlots. The estimated total nitrogen load enteringthe VTA was equivalent to/or less than the total nitrogen load removed by the hay crop harvested from the VTA. No water wasmeasured exiting the VTA, either by deep percolation or by direct release, during the four-year study period. As a result, thedischarge water from the basin was effectively used for hay crop production. Electromagnetic induction maps were producedto illustrate zones within the VTA where salt and nutrient loading occurred. Soil analyses in these zones indicated that surfacesoil NO3-N levels, particularly closest to the discharge tubes, had increased. Currently nitrogen is contained near the surface,and has not started to infiltrate deeper into the VTA soil. However, NO3-N appears to be infiltrating below the solids basinwhere concentrations as high as 60 mg NO3-N kg-1 soil were measured to a depth of 3 m. Annual removal of the solids andorganic material from the solids basin may have compromised sealing of the basin. Seepage monitoring will continue in thenear term.

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