
Achieving the eradication of poliomyelitis remains an elusive goal. More than 6 years after the globally-coordinated cessation of all use of type 2 oral poliovirus vaccines (OPV2) in routine immunisation, outbreaks caused by type 2 circulating vaccine-derived polioviruses (cVDPV2s) continue to paralyse children and young adults around the world.1 Since mid-2016, cVDPV2s have led to over 2650 reported cases of poliomyelitis (as of Oct 4, 2022),1 with the majority (67%) in Africa.2 A recent paralytic case (with onset of paralysis on June 20, 2022) in New York made the USA the 36th addition to the list of countries with reported cVDPV2 cases since 2016.

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