
Diabetes Mellitus is leading cause of morbidity and mortality in India with its increased prevalence. This study assessed the impact of 7 days residential program named Transcendental Residential Program (TRP) of Freedom From Diabetes Research Foundation (FFDRF) on type 2 diabetes mellitus participants as a complementary therapy to pharmacotherapy. A retrospective observational study was conducted on 485 diabetes mellitus participants after obtaining the informed consent where they underwent integrated training under a team consisting of doctors, cooking experts, nutritionists, fitness trainer and stress management trainer. TRP was intended to bring in changes in habit patterns related to the four modifiable factors namely diet, physical activity, medicines and inner transformation (through stress release and developing positivity). After 7 days of the program there were statistically significant changes in the outcome variables like fasting blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose, weight and reduction in insulin and oral hypoglycemic medications. The results suggest the significance of a well planned lifestyle modification program of FFD and its impact on the clinical outcomes in type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study has a major limitation such as there was no control group. However, TRP when used as an adjunct to pharmacotherapy has shown to improve glycemic control and reduce the requirement for medication within a short period of time. Given the fact, despite many advances in pharmacotherapy, diabetes mellitus and its complications are still escalating. Therefore, a personalized integrated health program that helps participants to make a shift in their current lifestyle is the way subsequently to reverse this life threatening metabolic disorder.

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