
Dyslexia is prevalent in learning disabilities and children diagnosed with this disease demonstrate unexpected poor reading abilities with normal intelligence and neurological functions. The struggling process has caught reading disabled children into negative educational experiences. Thus, the investigation of a range of strategies that enhance their reading abilities is essential. This review paper categorized the strategies into repetitive reading strategy, mind-map strategy and neural impression strategy. The repetitive reading strategy involves reading the same material multiple times until the desired level of fluency and comprehension is achieved. Studies employing this approach have shown promising results in improving reading abilities in dyslexic children.The mind-map strategy, using an organizational thinking tool, has also proven effective in enhancing reading abilities among dyslexic children. By mapping out subtopics and central themes, this strategy aids in comprehension and organization of ideas.The neural impression strategy relies on following a model while reading and receiving corrective feedback. This approach has shown significant enhancement in reading fluency and accuracy for children with dyslexia. To sum up, all these three strategies offer promising prospects for improving the reading abilities of children with dyslexia.

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