
We study the effective spacetimes in lower dimensions that can be extracted from a multidimensional generalization of the Schwarzschild-Tangherlini spacetimes derived by Fadeev, Ivashchuk and Melnikov ({\it Phys. Lett,} {\bf A 161} (1991) 98). The higher-dimensional spacetime has $D = (4 + n + m)$ dimensions, where $n$ and $m$ are the number of "internal" and "external" extra dimensions, respectively. We analyze the effective $(4 + n)$ spacetime obtained after dimensional reduction of the $m$ external dimensions. We find that when the $m$ extra dimensions are compact (i) the physics in lower dimensions is independent of $m$ and the character of the singularities in higher dimensions, and (ii) the total gravitational mass $M$ of the effective matter distribution is less than the Schwarzshild mass. In contrast, when the $m$ extra dimensions are large this is not so; the physics in $(4 + n)$ does explicitly depend on $m$, as well as on the nature of the singularities in high dimensions, and the mass of the effective matter distribution (with the exception of wormhole-like distributions) is bigger than the Schwarzshild mass. These results may be relevant to observations for an experimental/observational test of the theory.

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