
With the breaking down of 700–1,000 student semesters into discussion groups of 6–8 students, effective near‐peers are needed. Gross Anatomy is a 2nd‐semester course of a 12‐semester Medical School program. 3er‐semester students may apply as near‐peers and undergo a selection process. After this, they begin their training in accordance with seniority. Between 40 and 60 near‐peers aid professors in class and practice hours. Weekly sessions are scheduled to discuss the clinical relevance of the anatomy being taught that week. The theory is reviewed by anatomists, and clinical cases by specialists from different fields (Surgery, Gynecology, Orthopedics, Sports Medicine, Radiology, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Psychiatry, ect.), according to the topic. Cadaveric dissections are guided amongst peers with the most seniority and surveillance by professors. Near‐peers, are exposed to clinical scenarios and practice, to better understand the topics, and transmit the knowledge to 2nd‐semester students during clinical sessions.With a high volume of students and a low ratio of professors, near‐peers have been an effective solution. 70.7% perceived sessions with near‐peers to have no difference from that imparted by a professor. Only 12% reported some aspects of the sessions to be confusing when given by near‐peers. Satisfaction and acceptance were high. With a high volume of near‐peers, scholarships or economic remuneration is only available to the 20 most senior and participative near‐peers. A “payment with knowledge” method and integration activities have been beneficial in keeping near‐peers satisfied and committed to the Department. Specialized courses are offered. All near‐peers from their first semester to their last may take the advanced dissection, advanced suturing, and basic fundamentals of ultrasonography courses offered by experts. Those in their 3er semester are offered laparoscopic anatomy and ultrasound‐guided vascular access courses. In their 7th semester, virtual arthroscopy, and minimally invasive surgical skill courses are added. If the near‐peers complete all 7 courses offered during their time in the Department, a Clinical Anatomy and Surgical Training Diploma are emitted.Social activities between the Department staff and near‐peers are also promoted. Social gatherings are scheduled every semester. Breakfasts are sponsored by the department after every test (3 exams and 1 final per semester). Student sports teams are encouraged, with jerseys made for all near‐peers in solidarity. Department chief and professors integrate with near‐peers. Near‐peer satisfaction and loyalty are high. Most visualize Gross Anatomy as the best depart to be a near‐peer of and are inspired to become anatomists.Support or Funding InformationNone

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