
This article discusses in detail effective methods and techniques for the formation of value orientations of adolescent children. Value orientations of a person are an important characteristic of a child's life, since value orientations fix the connection of children with the environment, differences in their own relationships and psyche. In addition, children, realizing their value orientations, look for their place in the classroom, reflect on the meaning and purpose of each action in society. Expressing a conscious opinion about actions in society, he formulates his attitude towards other people, the environment and himself, largely determining the direction and content of personal development. The formation of value orientations that occur intensively in children of early adolescence is an important stage for the formation of a worldview, the search for the meaning of life and the definition of their role in society. In the conditions of modern education, a set of effective methods of organizing the educational process is necessary for the formation of value orientations of adolescent children. Therefore, the authors of the article note that at the present stage of the development of pedagogical and psychological science, special attention should be paid to the peculiarities of the formation of adolescent children, including value orientations, emphasizing that classes using training exercises are an effective method of working with adolescents. Training exercises in a group under the guidance of experienced teachers-psychologists allow children to form the necessary knowledge, skills, skills, values, as well as to better understand themselves and others.

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