
The enigma of successful treatment of mandibular second premolars with taurodontism has been explored for very long due to its rarity of occurrence. This case report aimed to enumerate the successful nonsurgical endodontic management of left mandibular second premolar #35 with three roots and taurodontism. A 34-year-old Saudi male patient with a noncontributory medical history was referred from the prosthodontic department for nonsurgical root canal treatment of tooth #35. Clinical examination revealed rotated clinical crown with caries related to tooth #35. Pulp sensibility cold test of the tooth showed no response, with the absence of pain on percussion and/or visible pocket depth. Radiographic examination showed long and deep pulp chamber and rotated and curved roots with broken apical lamina dura. The tooth was diagnosed with necrotic pulp and asymptomatic apical periodontitis. After making an access to the pulp chamber, two orifices were easily detected while the third one was found by the aid of surgical microscope. The canals were cleaned and shaped using ProTaper Gold file and then obturated with BioCeram Sealer and Gutta-Percha points, using hydraulic bonded obturation technique. Tooth immediately received the final crown. Clinical and radiographical examination after a 3-month follow-up revealed successful peri-apical healing with no symptoms. A literature search was organized to review the past publications about management of mandibular second premolar with taurodontism or anomalies in the root canal system. The search was focused on cases reported in Medline, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases. The conclusion of the seven selected studies and reported cases revealed that proper visualization with advanced microscopes or computer imaging radiographs, negotiation of the root canals, and efficient instrumentation and obturation enhance endodontic success.

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