
The object of the research is the critical role of leadership styles in the context of organizational change, with a particular focus on the significance of inclusive leadership. This research aimed to examine the critical role of leadership styles in the context of organizational change, with a particular focus on the significance of inclusive leadership. Organizational change is a multifaceted process involving various stakeholders, from employees to leadership, and it carries substantial implications for an organization’s overall success. The leadership style adopted during these times of change can significantly impact employee behaviors, either positively or negatively. Through qualitative research, this study examines the perspectives and experiences of ten managers within a financial firm in Johannesburg (South Africa), shedding light on the pivotal importance of leadership in change management. The findings resonate with a unanimous sentiment among the participants, emphasizing the need for unwavering inclusivity and garnering commitment from all stakeholders. Inclusive leadership is portrayed as essential, whether the change directly affects employees or not, highlighting the necessity of considering the broader organizational perspective. The participants' insights underscore the significance of servant leadership, collaborative leadership, and open leadership approaches, emphasizing empathy, humility, and adaptability in the face of change. Additionally, the study explores the intersection of leadership styles, including digital leadership and authentic leadership, as they adapt to the modern, dynamic business landscape. The findings affirm that leadership styles play a fundamental role in motivating employees to embrace change, commit to organizational goals, and navigate the complexities of change management effectively. In the era of rapid digital transformation, leadership styles evolve to encompass technological competence and a deep understanding of digital strategies. This research offers valuable insights into the leadership styles that are most effective during organizational change, providing a foundation for organizations to develop leadership competencies and strategies that drive successful change initiatives. It was recommended that continuous learning and development in the digital domain should be encouraged for leaders at all levels. Organizations should continually stay abreast of evolving leadership trends and adapt their leadership strategies accordingly.

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