
The study examines the relationship between effective leadership, financial sustainability and good governance at all levels in private, public and civil organizations, it is impossible to achieve and to sustain effective good governance; without an effective leadership we may not ensure good governance in its totality, the current situation shows by the results discuss below. the research design used across sectional designed with the study populations of 368,501 beneficiaries from Juba County and sampling size were 350 beneficiaries, however Sampling Technique were purposive and simple random sampling and Measurement of Variables was 5-point Likert Scale, the study used closed end structure questionnaires after data collection the questionnaires were coding, entry and processing. Data entry screens were design using EPIDATA Program. This was one of the data entry programs. After entry, data was exported to SPSS for data management and processing used into analysis. Regressions, coefficients, factor analysis, ANOVA and Spearman correlations were used to find the degree of associate relationship of three variables. Which created a positive relationship between effective leadership and good governance (r= 0.538, p- value < 0.01) the result showed that there is significant positive relationship between financial sustainability and good governance. (r= 0.651 p-value <0.01) Therefore the more you developed effective leadership the more financial sustainability and good governance (R=0.538, 0.651, 0.752, p-value <0.01) The factor analysis result of effective leadership variable, five factor were extracted component one explain 39.75% the second shows 39.11%, third presented 43.04%, fourth presented 42.74%, and the fifth presented the 57.24% of the variance and the result of financial sustainability variables, four factor were extracted attribute one explain 54.8% , the second with 47.6%,while third with 41.2% and fourth with 54.4% of the variance therefor the factor analysis result of good governance variable, four factor were extracted component one explain 53.2%, the second component explain 43.2%, while third explain 48.4% and fourth one given the 59.5% of the variance of the good governance. The regression shows the relationship between effective leadership, financial sustainability and good governance (F= 229.896, sig=0.000) effective leadership and financial sustainability extremely explain good governance. Change in financial sustainability will increase the good governance by ( ) change in financial sustainability will increase level of good governance by ( and change in effective leadership will increase good governance by ( ).

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