
A three-dimensional effective theory of Polyakov loops has recently been derived from Wilson's Yang-Mills lattice action by means of a strong coupling expansion. It is valid in the confined phase up to the deconfinement phase transition, for which it predicts the correct order and gives quantitative estimates for the critical coupling. In this work we study its predictive power for further observables like correlation functions and the equation of state. We find that the effective theory correctly reproduces qualitative features and symmetries of the full theory as the continuum is approached. Regarding quantitative predictions, we identify two classes of observables by numerical comparison as well as analytic calculations: correlation functions and their associated mass scales cannot be described accurately from a truncated effective theory, due to its inherently non-local nature involving long-range couplings. On the other hand, phase transitions and bulk thermodynamic quantities are accurately reproduced by the leading local part of the effective theory. In particular, the effective theory description is numerically superior when computing the equation of state at low temperatures or the properties of the phase transition.

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