
This paper reports on the measurement of the electron driftvelocity, the density normalized effective ionization coefficients (α-η)/N,and the ratio η/α (η and α are the attachment and ionization coefficients,respectively), over a wide range of the density-reduced field strength, E/N,from 40 to 560 Td (1 Td = 10-17 V cm2). From the measured values of(α-η)/N and η/α, the density normalized ionization and attachmentcoefficients were obtained. Further analysis of avalanche development past thefirst electron transit allowed us to derive the average mobility of bothpositive and negative ions. The mobility of negative ions was found toagree very well with Blanc's law at small fields, thereby indicating that themajority negative ion in the avalanche is SF6-. The critical field strengthwas found to vary almost linearly with the SF6 content in the mixture,comparing well with previous measurements.

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