
Heavy quarkonium related observables are very useful to obtain information about the medium created in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The interaction of charmonium or bottomonium with the hot QCD medium created in these collisions can be efficiently described with the use of non-relativistic Effective Field Theories. In this proceedings, I will review recent progress in understanding quarkonium dynamics in a thermal medium with the use of potential non-relativistic QCD (pNRQCD). First, I will discuss the medium modifications of the decay width and the binding energy. Using pNRQCD power counting it is possible to identify in which temperature regimes a potential model can describe these modifications and what is the dominant physical process behind the thermal corrections in each case. After that, I will discuss the combination of pNRQCD with open quantum systems techniques. This allows making predictions about the nuclear modification factor that can be compared with experimental measurements.


  • The suppression of heavy quarkonium as a signal of the formation of a quark-gluon plasma was first proposed by Matsui and Satz in [1], it was based on the idea that the screening of the potential will suppress the interaction between the quark and the antiquark and they will not bind

  • Potential Non-relativistic QCD (NRQCD) [8, 9] is the theory obtained from NRQCD when the soft scale is integrated out. In this theory the degrees of freedom are a quantum field for colour singlets and another for colour octets, the reason is that gluons with ultrasoft energy can no longer distinguish the heavy quark and antiquark and they are only sensitive to the full-colour state of the combination. potential non-relativistic QCD (pNRQCD) has been used to obtain predictions for the spectroscopy and the decays of quarkonium

  • Different physical situations will arise depending on the relation of these energy scales with the scales of heavy quarkonium physics

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The suppression of heavy quarkonium as a signal of the formation of a quark-gluon plasma was first proposed by Matsui and Satz in [1], it was based on the idea that the screening of the potential will suppress the interaction between the quark and the antiquark and they will not bind. Potential NRQCD (pNRQCD) [8, 9] is the theory obtained from NRQCD when the soft scale is integrated out In this theory the degrees of freedom are a quantum field for colour singlets and another for colour octets, the reason is that gluons with ultrasoft energy can no longer distinguish the heavy quark and antiquark and they are only sensitive to the full-colour state of the combination. In order to apply a similar program at finite temperature, one has to recognize the energy scales induced by the medium, in a perturbative plasma we have the temperature T and the Debye mass mD ∼ gT There is yet another smaller scale (of order g2T ) that is nonperturbative even in the limit g → 0, but we are not taking it into account in the present discussion. Different physical situations will arise depending on the relation of these energy scales with the scales of heavy quarkonium physics

Binding energies and decay widths corrections from EFTs
The case T
Outlook and conclusions
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