
Most methods for interpreting electroluminescence (EL) or photoluminescence (PL) images of solar cells evaluate the local diode voltages but not the local luminescence intensity itself. One exception is the Fuyuki approximation, which assumes that the local value of the luminescence signal is proportional to the local effective diffusion length. This dependence has been derived for infinitely thick solar cells and neglects self-absorption of the luminescence photons. However, for real solar cells and imaging conditions, with increasing diffusion length, the luminescence signal approaches a limiting value; hence, the Fuyuki approximation no longer holds. In this paper, we compare EL and PL images of multicrystalline solar cells using different kinds of light filtering and find that gentle shortpass filtering is useful for avoiding optical artifacts. Based on earlier calculations, a physically founded formula for the dependence of the gently shortpass-filtered luminescence signal on the bulk diffusion length, for a given rear surface recombination velocity, is presented. Since this formula only barely allows us to calculate the diffusion length from the luminescence signal, a simplified approximate formula is proposed, and its accuracy is checked. This method is tested on EL and ${V_{{{\rm oc}}}}$ PL images of solar cells. We find that for a typical industrial multicrystalline Al-backside solar cell, the obtained effective diffusion length images correlate well with such images obtained by spectral LBIC image evaluation. In addition, the saturation current density images correlate well with such images obtained by dark lock-in thermography, which show a much lower spatial resolution. The main limitation of the proposed method is that it is basically approximate and needs some fitting parameters.

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