
Backgrounds: Currently the world has entered the digital era, marked by rapid advances in technology and information. This progress is included in all aspects of human life, especially the world of education. The use of information technology in the world of education is the use of the internet in searching for learning materials and learning methods online. Online learning is increasingly popular with the Covid-19 pandemic, where government policy encourages students to study online with certain applications. Online and offline learning, educators and students need communication to transfer knowledge and skills according to the material being studied. Often this communication becomes an obstacle in the teaching and learning process. This problem arises from educators and students.
 Objectives: The purpose of this research is to identify the effectiveness of communication in supporting the learning environment.
 Methods: This research method is qualitative using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) method with 10 participants.
 Results: The results of this study obtained six categories, namely flexible; creative; concern; respect others; learning system and communication context. From these categories three major themes were obtained, namely good behavior, good attitude and coordination. From these three themes, one big theme is produced, namely effective learning.
 Conclusion: The conclusion of this study is that effective learning is formed by good attitudes and behavior and then supported by coordination from various related parties. When coordinating or collaborating, it is expected that you also use language or communicate well. This good communication is not only spoken verbally but is practiced non-verbally with mutual respect and care for one another. In a system there will be problems because it deals with humans. The most common problem that occurs in the teaching and learning process is miscommunication. Educators in this case are required to be flexible in dealing with it without having to violate established policies or regulations. For this reason, educators are required to be creative in finding solutions to problems.

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